but if possible buy them from The Bookworm!
In getting up to speed in the Child Development Field I've been keeping my eyes open for interesting material everywhere I go. Last evening I met with the great gals involved with the
local Jane Austen book club and The Jane Austen Society of North America. (Everyone involved with child development and education should take time to pursue their own interests!) The meeting was at our wonderful local independent bookstore: The Bookworm. So of course after my meeting I had to check out the bargin shelves and the child development section. I made a few good finds that I would like to share with you.
- Graceful Parenting: Simple Advise for Raising a Gentle and Loving Child by Eve Dreyfus
- Unplugged Play by Bobbi Conner - she has a radio program on NPR on Wedsnesday mornings at 9 a.m. (KIOS - 91.5 fm) called "The Parents Journal"
- My favorite: "A Running Start" by Rae Pica Rae has been working with movement and learning for a long time. She advocates for lots of physical activity for young children because it's more developmentally appropriate than lots of academics. She has a website http://www.movingandlearning.com/ , a blog "The Pica Perspective", and a internet radio show: http://www.bodymindandchild.com/. This is really great you can listen to interviews with some of the all time greats in the field: David Elkind, Alfie Kohn, Lillian Katz, Jane Healy, and Dr. Stanely Greespan and loads more. The topics are wide ranging so you're sure to fine something of interest. We've got to keep child development people in the mix so that we can keep defending the right to childhood rather than killing it trying to give kids an education! I debated about using the word "kill" as it's rather strong and maybe too violent for the child care crowd but in my opinion so much done "for kids" (but really "to kids") in the name of education that kills their minds and their spirits and now that they've found 10 year olds with the arteries of a 45 year olds possibly their bodies too (see Rae's blog) I really don't think it's too harsh a word to use. What do you think?
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