Monday, January 25, 2010

The Wisdom of Play

A wonderful new resource from is available for free and you can request it from the web-site. It's called "The Wisdom of Play: Why children at play are their own best teachers". You need to get a copy and share it with everyone who cares for and about young children. The introduction and history are written by David Elkind,one of my all time favorite child development experts. Also check out , Dr. Elkind's weekly blog. Other articles in "The Wisdom of Play" include "Imagination" , "Nature" and "Opened and Creative Play". For those who attended the SWIAEYC Winter Blahs workshop on Saturday this will be a great way to extend and share your learning! Log on an request your copy right now!
Then go find a kid and go PLAY!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Food Serendipity

I love it when this happens. After the last posting on feeding young children two great pieces
on the same subject appeared in my in-box. Here are links to them both. - the importance of eating dinner together. It's connected to a menu planning service called Dinner without Whine. I use one of these periodically to jazz up my menu planning and get new recipes and ideas for dinner when I get tired of the same old thing. The one I use is called "Saving Dinner".

The other link if for an article by Docia Zavitkovsky, a Champion of Children, who passed away recently.

You can see 102 articles by Docia at You will be sure to find some inspiration to carry on with your important child care work among them. Enjoy!