October 19-23: Take It Outside Week. To increase outdoor play while celebrating the environment, preschools and daycare centers are invited to join Head Start centers across the country in participating in the Inaugural Take It Outside! Week. Presented by Head Start Body Start National Center for Physical Development and Outdoor Play (HSBS), the national initiative is sponsored by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) and the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation (AAPAR). Its purpose is to get children outside, connect with the natural world, and increase physical activity. HSBS will provide programs with everything they need to celebrate Take It Outside! Week including activity ideas, tips for facilitating play, and suggestions for enhancing the environment. From Books That Move You to 15 Simple Ways to Get Moving, the activities are designed to increase physical activity for young children and promote family involvement. Head Start Centers serve over 900,000 children and their families. For a wonderful array of free resources about Take It Outside! Week, visit Head Start Body Start.